List of Quentin Tarantino’s Movies in Order

Now, if you take the era between 1992 to 2019, then you will find Quentin Tarantino has done ten films. The fellow has made some really good movies over the years and his name is honored in Hollywood.

Quentin Tarantino Work

Quentin Tarantino has directed ten films. He actually has 11 films in total but one of them is a short film and so, doesn’t really count.

1. Reservoir Dogs

List of Quentin Tarantino Movies in Order
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Apart from Tarantino, others you will see in it are Tim Roth and Chris Penn. There is also Steve Buscemi. Of, course, it is not just these four that you have in the film. There are others as well.

2. Pulp Fiction

  • Pulp Fiction is a crime-drama combo.
  • It came out on 14 October 1994.
  • John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, Uma Thurman, etc. were in it.
List of Quentin Tarantino Movies in Order
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At the Oscars, Golden Globe, and BAFTA, this film picked the gong for Best Screenplay. It also picked up the prize that every film/director wants at Cannes, the Palme d’Or. This was in 1994.

3. Jackie Brown

  • When did it come – 25 December 1997
  • What is the Genre – Crime/Drama
  • Who you will see in it: Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Keaton, Robert De Niro, etc.
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A normal flight attendant smuggling money for an arms dealer is caught by the authorities and she decides to help them catch the person she was working for. She also decides to steal good money from the arms dealer boss. The story for Jackie Brown is gotten from Rum Punch (1992 book).

4. Kill Bill one

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After waking up from a four-year coma, a bride decides to get back at those that tried to unalive her in this 2003 movie.

5. Kill Bill two

  • 16 April 2004 is the Release Date
  • Action/Martial Arts is the Genre
  • Cast: Uma Thurman, David Carradine, Michael Madsen, Daryl Hannah, Gordon Liu, Michael Parks.
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Now you will understand why Tarantino sees the two Kill Bills as only one film. In Vol. 2, the bride comes to Mexico to look for all those that wanted her dead including Bill. She has already found and taken out some others.

6. Death Proof

  • Release Date: 06 April 2007
  • Genre: Action/Thriller
List of Quentin Tarantino Movies in Order
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Kurt Russell, Rosario Dawson, Vanessa Ferlito, Jordan Ladd, Rose McGowan, Sydney Poitier, etc. are some of the people in this movie.

7. Inglourious Basterds

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The World War 2 is what Inglourious Basterds talks about. It has Aldo Raine, leader of a ragtag group of American soldiers out to take out Hitler.

8. Django Unchained

List of Quentin Tarantino Movies in Order
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Tarantino won an Oscar, a Golden Globe, a BAFTA, and a Critics’ Choice Award for Best Screenplay for this film. Those we saw in it are Jamie Foxx, Kerry Washington and so on and so forth.

9. The Hateful Eight

List of Quentin Tarantino Movies in Order
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Want to see Channing Tatum and Tarantino work together, then this project which was brought to the world in 2015 is for you.

10. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

List of Quentin Tarantino Movies in Order
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Part drama and part comedy; this came out in July 2019. The story is gotten from the killings done by the Manson Family.

Princess is a writer and an enlightened being.


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