Tyna G

Tyna is passionate about sharing authentic news and giving her readers great content. Apart from writing, she is a music enthusiast who enjoys watching good movies

More From The Author

How to be Friendly and More Likeable as a Person

Being friendly might sound like an easy thing to pull off but given that humans are complicated in their thought pattern, this trait is not easy to portray. This is because if you intend to be seen as friendly and approachable, you ought to take intentional steps towards that path. You don't necessarily need to fake it but you...

What Are The Signs Your Family Doesn’t Care About You and What Can You Do About It?

To a large number of people, it sounds absurd that their family may not like them. After all, family is our first contact with society and we share a blood relationship and that must count for something right? Well in most cases this may be true but like everything in life, there are exceptions. There is the cold hard...

How to Say Sorry For Your Loss and the Alternative Ways of Showing Sympathy

Based on statistics, up to 150,000 people die daily across the globe. This means that everyone is likely to know someone that lost a friend or family member that died at least in a week. Therefore there is always a need to console and comfort people as frequently as we don’t want it. It’s a sad reality but the...

What Emotional Baggage Is and How to Cut Lose the Excesses from the Past

Life is characterized by different expectations, situations, and memories from which we gather diverse experiences that can either be our emotional boosters or emotional baggage. More so, as we journey through life, we are naturally influenced by these experiences we have gathered  - the decisions we make, the way we react to situations, and the way we relate with...

All the Creatively Different Ways to Say Hello

A common feature that cuts across all the cultures of the world is the fact that we all get to greet people almost every day of our lives. However, the way we greet usually varies based on the relationship we share with the people we meet. While we might hug and call friends funny names, other persons might just...

Am I Socially Inept? Here’s What It Means and How To Be Less Awkward

It's only natural for humans to exhibit traits of being socially skilled because man is a social creature. However, while some people tend to show effective social skills, others often struggle to socialize and are usually referred to as socially inept. Many a time, being socially inept will not only be a limitation to the person affected but might...